How to Learn

Recently I went to a conference and listened to a talk about this subject and here are the best ways to learn:

1. Self-testing
Look at the new word or rule, cover it and rewrite it.
Ask someone to test you.

2. Distributed Practice
This means revising a subject regularly, for example 10 minutes every day, this is better than 1 hour once a week.

3. Keywords & Mnemonic techniques
Invent your own phrase or way to remember, for example Roy Of York Gave Battle In Vain helps me remember the colours of the rainbow, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

4. Interleaved practice
This means mixing subjects, for example revise English for 30 minutes, then French, then Maths… Instead of big blocks of one subject.

Highlighting key words and rereading were mentioned but these are not the best ways to learn.

So, try some of these and remember, regular learning is the key to success!

One week to go!

Are you ready?

How can you best prepare the new term? Here are some ideas:

start getting up earlier – 9am at the latest, don’t worry too much about going to sleep earlier, you will start to do that automatically when you get up earlier, but remember – no screens after 10pm in the holidays, and 9pm in schooltime.

Start reading – things that  interest you, and things in English, websites, magazines etc.

Have a look at your vocabulary lists and ICD for next year, they are all ready and waiting for you on this site!

Send me a message on facebook or an email ( to tell me what you’ve been doing this summer – in English of course!!

Make sure you have lots of paper, ringbinders and everything you need for your pencil case.


What do you do to get ready for school? let me know!


See you soon,

