This week…

Have you remembered to change your clocks? To know which way to go I always think of the saying « Spring forward, Fall back ».

CM1 will continue looking at classroom vocab,
CM2 will do a running dictation,
6eme have a test on present simple and be + ing,
5eme will have a test on the preterit and irregular verbs, and enough & too,
4eme have a test on the present perfect,
3eme have a test on suggestions, self & each other.

Lots of tests this week.

This week’s prompt for the 100 word challenge is:
…but I thought I had enough time…
It’s homework for the 4eme but everyone id welcome to join in.

I will be going to England on Wednesday afternoon to give a speech at the IATEFL (International association of teachers of English as a foreign language) conference in Harrogate, but don’t panic I’ll leave you plenty of work to do 🙂

On my way back to Geneva I’m stopping in Paris to run the marathon on Sunday morning, I’ll be taking this card with me:


This week…




CM1 will be learning classroom vocab,

CM2 will be practising comparative and superlative phrases,

6ème will be practising be &ING and learning comparatives,

5ème will be practising enough, too much etc.,

4ème will be practicing the present perfect and talking about natural disasters,

3ème will be learning indirect speech,

Anglophones will be doing something fun 🙂

The 100 wrd challenge this week is to answer the question:

    Why would you like to be a night zoo keeper?

To see what a night zoo keeper does, click here.



Have a great week!



The 100 word Challenge Week #26

This week’s text comes from Faust in 3B:

When I was little, we went in north of France during the holidays.

We slept in a little house, it was yellow and white. Often the weather was bad, it rained a lot but sometimes the sun shone. Next to the sea, there are a lot of wind and very often I went with my father on the beach with our kite, it was a red bird. One day we were on the beach and it was a kite competition.

My father said: « Look up, can you see the dragons, the monsters and the blue one, can you see them ? »

We had to be careful to not touch the others kites.


dragon kite

Poetry Day

Today the anglophone class are writing haiku to celebrate Poetry Day,



Here is some of their work:

She’s a good teacher

She has a good writing

This is Mrs Harris


The scary and cold

forest which I went in was

really scary!


Life is difficult

You need to trust in yourself

and stay who you are.


I was speaking in

class so I got detention.

It was horrible.


I avoided a

branch while skiing and got hurt

’cause I am clumsy.


Friends are really nice

but sometimes they let you down

but they are still your friends.


It’s Easter today

get some eggs in the garden

Now, go and get them!


When you go to school

You should always have your books

and to concentrate.


School is worth our time

It may not seem so, at times

but mum says it is.

(Anna Sofia)

Which is your favourite?

This week…

A very late article this week I’m afraid, I’m sure you’re all in bed already!

This week exams are continuing for most classes, that means lots of marking for your teachers – which is why I’m running late today.

The primary however will be having fun with a new story, I’m sure you know it, it’s about some hot porridge, a hard chair, and a very confortable bed, can you guess?

The rest of the classes will be doing some fun oral activities at the end of the week, to recover from all your hard work and revision.

Good luck with the rest of your exams and see you tomorrow!



The 100 Word Challenge #24

This week’s theme was to celebrate World Book Day  by rewriting a fairy tale.

While you have been surrounded by books to revise for exams you probably haven’t had time to read any good ones, so here is

this week’s story, written by the wonderfully motivated Valseska in class 3A:

She had skin as fair as snow, lips that were red like the blood shed of a forgotten soldier from WWII,

and the hair Rapünzel’s prince would’ve dreamed of climbing with.

 One day, she came across a little cottage on which a burgundy-coloured front door were inscribed the words:

« Heres be dwell’n the sev’n dwarves »

And she was surprised to find the door unlocked in the middle of the night in such dangerous woods.

She hesitated a bit, then decided to open the door, as she was exhausted and needed to stop and ask for directions

 anyway. When suddenly, as she opened the door, all at once, a German pig, a talkative donkey, a green ogre,

a grand female dragon and a mischevious fairy all yelled out « HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PRINCESS FIONA!!! » after

 which EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR JAWS DROPPED, and our heroine ended the story with a quick and

 rather awkward« Oh sorry… to interrupt your evening… Bye 😳«